Getting Started

This Learning Lab focuses on troubleshooting fundamentals and covers:

  • Systematic Troubleshooting
  • Using a Meter
  • Testing Techniques

The help menu provides information on various aspects of this Learning Lab. Refer to the Table of Contents and click on any item to find more information on that subject.

Home Page

From the Home Page you can navigate to the one of the five sections in this learning lab.

Click on a lesson to enter the lab and start the lesson.

Lab Pages

Once in a lab an information pane will appear on the left side of the screen. This information pane includes information, videos, images, questions and instructions to lead you through the learning lab.
Advancing Through Panels
When you start a lesson, you must finish the entire lesson to be marked complete. All videos and images that you open must be closed before you can advance to the next page in the lesson.

The module is completed when you reach the last page in the last section of the learning lab.

While in the Learning Lab, the following onscreen information and tools are available:
Information/Toolbar Function
Cost and Time Tally For assessment purposes, tracks the dollar amount of replaced/repaired components and time spent troubleshooting
Documents Contains reference documentation such as wiring diagrams
Help Menu Sends User to the Help documentation
Multimeter Used for measuring voltage, current and resistance
Screwdriver Used to disconnect and reconnect wires
Lock Lock for Main Disconnect Lockout Tagout

Moving Around the Screen

Zooming In/Out

To zoom in on any element, click on it. In the diagram shown below, the electrical panel box has been clicked on.

To zoom in further you can click on the element again or roll the mouse scroll button to zoom in and out.

To zoom out from a zoomed in location, click on the double arrows on the bottom of the screen.
To pan across at the same zoom range, click on the double arrows on either side of the screen.


To pan around, click the back panel, hold and drag to move around.